Sunday, November 21, 2010

To READ or to WRITE or NONE at all???

Each and everyone of us is gifted with different talents and abilities. Some likes to write while others like to read. For obvious reasons, these are considered as the basic foundation in every child's milestone. There are those which we can consider to be fast learner and the counterpart of the latter. We learn to walk first before we can run. Same thing with reading and writing, we learned to read first before we can truly write.

I can not remember as to when was time the last time that I was able to come up with a good composition. During my Elementary years, I can easily create a composition in no time at all. I write whatever pop into my mind and can finish up to more than two hundred fifty words as expected. The lexical resource I have way back then is quite varied. Given a scenario to write about, my ideas are spontaneous and I can compose without any hesitancy. I will be able to finish earlier than the allotted time as expected.

Going to the Secondary years, still the same old me. Pressured to excel in everything I do. Even though my parents are not pressuring me, I am the one pressuring myself. As I grow older everyday, I have learned that my greatest competitor is myself. Sad but true, it is the very truth about me, myself and I. But I have reached a certain point during these days when I have grown tired of what I am doing to myself.

So when I am already in my College years, i stopped competing with myself. I just go with the flow and enjoy whatever I am doing. I became lax and free-spirited. Finished the course that I deem was right enough for me and for the fulfillment of my dreams. I thought I am happy with what I am doing. Only to find out, I became worse than I think I am.

The issue here is not about how I practically grew up to be me. Somehow I have realized that learning does not stop when you want to stop. At some point, we still need to enhance the abilities we have left hidden in our closet. Who we are now, may or may not be what we always want to be. But whatever we have become, is the result of how we struggle to reach whatever we have become.

My title does not literally depicts the message that I want to convey. This is just basically a test for myself. Reading nor writing is really not my cup of tea. But here I am, trying badly to mesmerize myself as to where I can do better. This one's for me.

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